Once dialed and called, they will receive the weapons set 2, which includes weapons. To activate the weapons two cheat, players need to dial the phone number 48 into their phones.GTA San Andreas Cheats: Infinite Health, Ammo, Guns, And More In Grand Theft Auto Definitive Edition Here are all of the cheat codes you can use in the ….

Weapons, Health, Armor & Money Police, Stats & Gangs Spawning Objects Vehicles Gameplay Weather & Time Weapons, Health, Armor & Money Weapons Package #1 WebFrom the following list, pick the type of cheat you are looking for, or just browse through the list and see what catches your eye. Sadly, no cheat is able to give you all guns (since having some overwrites others, and not all weapons are obtainable through cheats anyways, but those that ….You can tune the challenge level of the game even further by giving yourself 6 stars wanted level, give all pedestrians rocket launchers and have them hunt you. The most popular cheat codes are probably the ones for health, NPCs, and wanted levels. These cheat codes modify game mechanics and the world/NPCs in GTA San Andreas.

5 most useful GTA San Andreas cheats for PS5 players (2023)